About the Clinic

Beauty&Health Clinic

"B&H clinics" is a modern medical center, which employs highly qualified and experienced doctors, candidates and doctors of medical sciences. Thanks to modern equipment and professionalism «B & H clinics" in the patient's condition is determined as soon as possible, its cause is assigned the correct treatment.

Our medical center is located at the intersection of Obruchev and Leninsky Prospect, close to the subway. Make an appointment to see a doctor at any time, even late at night - in the morning is a specialist will examine and prescribe the necessary tests. You can call the doctor to your home or business.

In the "B&H clinics" a system of discounts for regular customers, retirees and teenagers.

We offer you the services of our top specialists:




Ear Surgery


Plastic surgery



Our services:

Our medical center is equipped with high-precision and advanced diagnostic equipment. We determine the disease and its causes, even in the early stages of development. In the «B & H clinics" can take all sorts of tests, such as general clinical and biochemical . Our experts conduct various studies: histological, cytological, hormonal and urological and many others. Thanks to the experience of doctors and the world of science, every patient can be sure - we will quickly cure.


In our medical center specialists provide complete prenatal care . Qualified doctors perform quality diagnostics.Future moms can be assured that the «B & H clinics" they will be in good hands. Moreover, our patients at any time to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist and consult with him even late at night.


In today's Department of Gynecology our doctors diagnose and treat various diseases. We have developed special effective programs to help patients get rid of infertility , abnormalities, diseases, cancer, genital infections.In the «B & H clinics" held for medical termination of pregnancy , which is also called abortion without surgery.

Urology and Andrology

We effectively treat a variety of diseases of the genitourinary system, infertility (in both men and women), variousgenital infections . The work of our doctors use the latest technology and high quality products. We treat chronicprostatitis , erectile dysfunction , BPH, vesiculitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, orchitis, genital herpes, chlamydia, premature ejaculation, urethritis and many other diseases.


Our experts make patients more beautiful. We fight against aging skin, remove warts , conduct face contour, plazmolifting, mesotherapy . In the «B & H clinics" using only quality products, which do not harm health.

Plastic Surgery in "B&H clinics"

Endoscopic and plastic surgery are modern methods by which experts «B & H clinics" improve the appearance of each patient. If you want to change the volume of the lips, remove excess fat, improve the appearance of skin, tighten it with the current medications or adjust the shape of the ears, then welcome to our modern medical center.

We stand out by experienced doctors and individual approach to each client. In our clinic we use only the most modern and high-quality products. Specialists of «B & H clinics" will make your appearance even better, because we not only offer high quality operation, but also in the hospital effective rehabilitation, where he spent restorative.On our site you can read about the different services we offer.

In the «B & H clinics" experienced surgeons perform all sorts of plastic surgery and endoscopic procedures:

· Blepharoplasty - Eyelid surgery is also called. With its help remove bags under the eyes, the overhang of the upper eyelids, wrinkles.

· Rhinoplasty - plastic nose. Eliminate various defects formed after the injury, correct form, restore nasal breathing.

· Breast Implants - change the volume and shape of the breast. One of the most popular types of surgery.

· Liposuction - plastic figures, removal of subcutaneous fat. With the help of a professional surgeon operations quickly and without injury removes fat from the abdomen, waist, chin, neck, back and hips.

· Facelift - the kind of surgery that allows the patient loses the signs of aging, wrinkles and folds.

· Glyuteoplastiku - also called plastic buttocks. Our experts emphasized femininity any patient.

· Otoplasty - changing shape and size of the ears.

· Kruroplastiku - correction form the legs and inner thighs.

The specialists of our medical center - the professionals who have made a lot of plastic surgery. Surgeon not only qualitatively perform the required activities, but also prescribe the correct recovery procedures. In the «B & H clinics" - only an individual patient, but modern drugs, only experienced staff.

Through the use of the latest techniques in the work, supplies and equipment in our medical center conducts operations of any complexity. As a result, the patient is the planned result, beauty and great mood. We change the size and volume of the breast, nose, ears, buttocks, remove fat.

In the «B & H clinics" have the best plastic surgeons in Moscow, conducting qualitative operations. Our patients are always assured that the "golden hands" of specialists of the medical center will make them even more beautiful.

Breast enlargement in «B & H clinics" modern methods

Breast plastic surgery is one of the most popular destinations in the country of plastic surgery. With it increase or decrease the size of the breast mammary glands, correct their form, solve vexing problem of breast asymmetry.Our surgeons perform operation quality, fulfilling all the wishes of patients.

To indications include change in shape and volume of the breast after a dramatic weight loss, pregnancy or nursing, uneven development (natural) breasts, discontent women volume and size. In the «B & H clinics" quickly solve all the problems associated with the forms of the mammary glands. Plastic surgeons are the medical center are experts in their field.

Liposuction and tummy tuck in "B&H clinics"

Liposuction is a modern method of correction, which enables patients to quickly get rid of extra clinics fat.Liposuction in «B & H clinics" by experienced professionals, so the success of this procedure is guaranteed.

We carry out the operation in different parts of the body with modern methods, for example, conduct non-surgicalliposuction of the abdomen , a laser - the buttocks, lower back and chin. Often, the patient's correction performed abdominoplasty (an operation during which restores natural proportions and aesthetics of the abdomen). Very effectively to carry it out in conjunction with liposuction.

Blepharoplasty in "B&H clinics"

Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery is also called) is a popular procedure, during which rejuvenate the patient's face.With it you can effectively eliminate the overhang of the upper eyelids, bags under the eyes, wrinkles. Through the use of modern suture material (superfine), perfectly hidden traces of the operation.

In our medical center eyelid specialists perform on several fronts:

· Removal of excess skin on the upper and the lower eyelid;

· Wrinkles century (bottom);

·Elimination of fat cells, both the upper and the lower eyelid.

The indications for surgery were congenital century syndromes weary eyes and "sad eyes", the wrinkles, the appearance of fatty hernia, aging skin, and others.

A few weeks after surgery, the patient will see an incredible transformation in the mirror. With a small operation, you can change for the better, not only appearance, but also life.

Plastic face in "B&H clinics".

Just using plastics and facelifts can achieve in the short term correction of various defects of the face. Lifting and plastic complex solve almost all problems of rejuvenation. In our medical center facelift performed by modern methods. We offer a lift in conjunction with other plastic surgery, such as rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty.

If you dream of a beautiful appearance, then «B & H clinics" in it will help you. Our experts will make you even more beautiful, because every patient is our center is always happy with the results of professional surgeons. Clinic staff use the global reach of plastic surgery and advanced equipment. We offer you the best price .

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